Pengaruh Model Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (Tpsr) Dalam Pembelajaran Penjas Terhadap Minat Belajar Dan Perilaku Sosial Siswa Pada Materi Bola Basket Kelas XII Di Sman 9 Mandau Kota Duri

Adel Khofifah, Agus Prima Aspa, M. Imam Rahmatullah


Abstract: The aim of this research is to test the influence of the Teaching
Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) model on students' interest in learning and
social behavior in playing basketball. In this research, researchers used the PTK
research method. The population in this study were all class XII students of SMAN 9
Mandau, Duri City. The sampling technique in this research was purposive sampling,
until finally the sample in this research was class XII IPS 1, totaling 34 students. In
this research, the design used is the Kemmis and Taggart model of PTK research
(classroom action research). Researchers used the TPSR model with questionnaire
instruments for students' learning interest and social behavior, observation and
documentation. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS (Statistical Product and
Service Solution) program version 25.0 IBM for window. The average value of
students' learning interest and social behavior obtained after implementing the TPSR
model increased compared to before being given treatment. The results of the research showed an increase in interest in learning and social behavior from initial conditions to cycle I then to cycle II. In the initial condition, interest in learning received a total score of 1.365 (40.15%) and social behavior received a total score of 1.557 (45.79%). After cycle I the total score for learning interest increased to 1,877 (55.21%) and social behavior increased to 2,273 (66.85%). In cycle II there was a further increase with the total learning interest score reaching 2,421 (71.21%) and social behavior reaching 2,715 (79.85%). This shows a consistent increase in participants' learning interest and social behavior from initial conditions to cycle II. So it can be concluded that the TPSR model has a significant positive influence on students' interest in learning and social behavior in playing basketball, indicating that the gradual application of this model is able to consistently improve these two aspects.
Key Words: Teaching personal social responsibility (TPSR) Model, Physical
Education, Student interest in learning and social behavior, Basketball

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