Indri Apri Astuti, Elni Yakub, Zulfan Saam


Abstract: This research aims to develop a family education module for street children. The method used is Research and Development (Research and Development) which is a scientific process for researching, designing, producing, and testing the validity of the products that have been produced. By limiting the steps Sugiyono (2019) used are: (1) Potential and Problems (2) Data collection (3) Product Design (4) Design Validation (5) Design Revision (6) Product Making. The instrument in this study was the validation sheet given to the validator. The validators in this study were 2 BK lecturers, and 2 BK teachers. The results showed that the compilation of street children's family education modules on the Role of Parents in Handling Street Children. The module material consists of (1) Roles, Duties and Functions of the Family, (2) Roles of Good Parenting, (3) Solutions for the Management of Street Children, in terms of material clarity, systematic material, image support, matching the delivery time of the material, completeness Theory. From the value given by the validator, the results obtained from the calculation of the material clarity aspects were obtained with a category of "clear", systematic aspects of the material obtained by 4.0 with the category "systematic", aspects of image support obtained 4.25 with the category of "very supportive", the matching aspect when delivering the material is obtained 3.5 with the category "suitable", and the completeness aspect of the material is obtained 4.25 with a very complete category, whereas for the whole aspect of the material evaluation it shows that the material developed has met the expected criteria and is suitable for use with the acquisition of values 4.0 which belongs to the "Good" category.
Key Words: Module Education, Street Child Families

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