Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop a street children's family education
module in terms of the aspects of material clarity, material systematic, image support,
compatibility of material delivery time and material completeness. This type of research
is development research to produce a design but is not followed by testing the product.
The educational module material was validated by 2 BK FKIP UR lecturers, and 2
Counseling Guidance Teachers. Educational material consists of 4 modules namely,
module 1: understanding parenting and family functions, module 2: being a responsible
parent, module 3: the role of parents educating children and module 4: the role of
parents in preventing children from going down to the street. From the value given by
experts for the material clarity aspect, a score of 4.5 was obtained with a very clear
category, for systematic aspects of the material a score of 5 was obtained with a very
systematic category, for the aspect of image support a score of 4.75 was obtained with a
very supportive category, for the aspect of compatibility the delivery time of the
material was obtained a score of 4.25 with a very suitable category and for the aspects
of completeness of the material obtained a score of 4.25 with a very complete category.
Whereas for all aspects of the material assessment, it shows that the material developed
has fulfilled the expected criteria with the acquisition of a score of 4.5, which is
categorized as very good. As for the suggestions given by the validator are: each quote
is included with the source, clarify each material again, pay attention again to the
writing of the material, and add conclusions.
Keywords: Module, Education, Street Children
module in terms of the aspects of material clarity, material systematic, image support,
compatibility of material delivery time and material completeness. This type of research
is development research to produce a design but is not followed by testing the product.
The educational module material was validated by 2 BK FKIP UR lecturers, and 2
Counseling Guidance Teachers. Educational material consists of 4 modules namely,
module 1: understanding parenting and family functions, module 2: being a responsible
parent, module 3: the role of parents educating children and module 4: the role of
parents in preventing children from going down to the street. From the value given by
experts for the material clarity aspect, a score of 4.5 was obtained with a very clear
category, for systematic aspects of the material a score of 5 was obtained with a very
systematic category, for the aspect of image support a score of 4.75 was obtained with a
very supportive category, for the aspect of compatibility the delivery time of the
material was obtained a score of 4.25 with a very suitable category and for the aspects
of completeness of the material obtained a score of 4.25 with a very complete category.
Whereas for all aspects of the material assessment, it shows that the material developed
has fulfilled the expected criteria with the acquisition of a score of 4.5, which is
categorized as very good. As for the suggestions given by the validator are: each quote
is included with the source, clarify each material again, pay attention again to the
writing of the material, and add conclusions.
Keywords: Module, Education, Street Children
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