The Analysis Of Enlargement Business African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Cages on Sleeping Land in The Lembah Sari Village Rumbai Pesisir Sub-District Pekanbaru City Riau Province

Veronica Amalia Damayanti, Eni Yulinda, Hazmi Arief




            This research was conducted in May 2018 in Lembah Sari Village Rumbai Pesisir Sub-District Pekanbaru City Riau Province. The purpose of  this research is (1) find out the magnitude of investment costs, (2) revenue, profit and (3) the feasibility business of enlargement African catfish in cages on sleeping land. Method used in this research is survey method.

  African catfish enlargement business in Lembah Sari village has 3 scale enterprises are small, medium and large. Where the average value of small scale investment is IDR 27.361.095, medium scale IDR 34.593.675 and large scale IDR 99.733.280. The average revenue obtained on a small scale is IDR 128.780.800 with an average profit of  IDR 43.994.650/year, medium scale is IDR 170.556.800 with an average profit of IDR 58.905.290/year and large scale is IDR 537.294.400 with an average profit of IDR 200.357.475/year. The result of feasibility analysis obtained is the average RCR value of small scale 1,50, medium scale 1,52 and large scale 1,57. The average FRR value of small scale is 51,50%, medium scale 53,49% and large scale 56,22%. The average PPC value of small scale is 1,97 period, medium scale 1,87 period and large scale 1,83 period.

Keywords : Enlargement Lele, The Business Analysis, Lembah Sari Village

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