The Effect of Presto Cooking Time on the Organoleptic and Chemical Characteristics of Biang Shredded Fish (Setipinna breviceps)

Rizkha Yana Pratiwi, Mery Sukmiwati, Sumarto '


The objective of the research was to determine the effect presto cooking
time on the organoleptic and chemical characteristics of Shorthead hairfin
anchovy shredded fish (Setipinna breviceps). The method used was experiment
and composed by using completely randomized design and consisted of 4
treatments, namely: A0 (biang fish with steamed), A1 (biang fish with presto time
75 minutes), A2 (biang fish with presto time 90 minutes), A3 (biang fish with
presto time 105 minutes). The results showed that the best treatment was steaming
biang fish with presto for 105 minutes. The characteristics of the highest
Shorthead hairfin anchovy Shredded Fish quality was shown brown colored in
appearance, fibrous soft and dry rustle textured, very fragrant aroma without
putrid or rancid odor and very delicious fish and spices tasted, the composition
contained water 5,79%, ash 5,09%, protein 31,31%, fat 19,25% and calcium
330,02 mg / 100 g sample.
Keywords: Shorthead hairfin anchovy, Setipinna breviceps, Presto, Shredded fish

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