Pengaruh Kondisi Gelap Terang Terhadap Biodegradasi Styrofoam Menggunakan Larva Tenebrio Molitor

Jessar Hendrianto, Elvi Yenie, Sri Rezeki Muria


Styrofoam or polystyrene (PS) can make block water channel, greenhouse effect and make a big contribution in global warming, interfering with a various equilibrium environmental and health components. One of styrofoam waste treatment is a biodegradation by utilizing mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larva). This research aims to calculate the value of degradation (%biodegradation) efficiency with additional nutrients and %Survival Rate of larva. In this study variations we make comparation in dark and light conditions, The result highest of %biodegradation Styrofoam is a Styrofoam dark condition with 57% value and lowest value is a Styrofoam in light condition with 51%. While for the highest %SR dark condition is 65% and light condition with 75%.
Key Word : Styrofoam, Survival Rate, Biodegradation, Tenebrio molitor Larva.

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