Pembuatan Komposit Plastik Pati Sagu-Carboxymethyl Cellulose Dengan Penambahan Plasticizer Gliserol

Viodita Rizki, Said Zul Amraini, Bahruddin Bahruddin


Food packaging aims to protect food products from various physical and mechanical damage. Food packaging that is generally in the form of plastic derived from petroleum is non-renewable, polluting the environment and harmful to human health. One alternative to overcoming this problem is the use of bioplastics that can be decomposed and consumed in the form of edible films. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of levels of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and glycerol plasticizers on mechanical properties and biodegradation of sago starch based bioplastics. Bioplastics were made by mixing sago starch, glycerol (15, 20, 25 % w/w) and CMC (35, 40, 45 % w/w). The resulting bioplastics were carried out by several tests which included tensile strength, elongation, biodegradation and data analysis using Design Expert. The most significant factor affecting all responses was CMC levels followed by glycerol plasticizers. The optimum process conditions were obtained at CMC content 45 % w/w and glycerol plasticizer 15 % w/w with a response value of tensile strength of 8,3 MPa, elongation of 16,8 % and biodegradation 51 %.
Keywords: bioplastics, CMC, filler, glycerol, sago starch, RSM

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