Atri Dumaris, Swis Tantoro


This thesis is submitted in order to qualify holds a Bachelor of Sociology. With the title"Social Capital Traders Vegetables In The Market Dewi Sartika Duri". Issues discussed in this thesis is How the social capital Merchants Vegetables and how the mutual relationship with the merchant traders, merchants with farmers and traders with the agent in the Market Dewi Sartika Duri. Subjects in this study were 7 people. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling is taking the subject of research done on purpose, which in accordance with the requirements of informants in need. The method used is a qualitative research method because this method explain any concerns regarding this title is descriptive. Instrument data filtering is observation, questionnaires and documents. The theory used is the theory of social capital where there must be trust, networks and norms. The results were made public, the writer can say that there are two forms of network formed from the interaction of social actors in the market Dewi Sartika is a network of strong and weak ties. Network that has a strong bond that is the relationship between merchants with fellow market traders Dewi Sartika, customers and agents.While those with weak bonds that trader with market managers Dewi Sartika. In the market there are Norma Dewi Sartika governing that serves to maintain market stability Dewi Sartika. Market Dewi Sartika Duri, mutually beneficial relationship occurs only between sellers and buyers, traders with an agent. In case this happens sutu needs that must be fulfilled in the Market Dewi Sartika Duri for the creation of the economic process.
Keywords: Social Capital, Market Participants, Social Interaction

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