The state, through its government, both central and regional, is obliged to deal with street children, homeless
people and beggars as the government's responsibility in the field of welfare according to the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, who are called homeless people and beggars. In the context of
administering regional government in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution, controlling homeless
people and beggars in the city of Dumai is carried out by the Civil Service Police Unit. So the aim of this
research is to find out the role of the Civil Service Police Unit in curbing vagrants and beggars (Gepeng) in
Dumai City and to find out what obstacles are faced by the Civil Service Police Unit in curbing vagrants and
beggars in Dumai City and also to find out the efforts made. must be carried out by the regional government in
controlling homeless people and beggars.
The research method in this thesis uses a type of sociological juridical research, namely a research
approach that emphasizes the legal aspects relating to the main issues to be discussed, linked to the reality in
the field. This research was conducted at the Dumai City Social Service and Satpol PP. The data sources used
are primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews
and literature review
Based on research results, the role of the Civil Service Police Unit in controlling homeless
people and beggars in Dumai City has not been implemented well, because of the gap between legal
regulations and what is happening in the field. The inhibiting factors are budget factors, facilities and
infrastructure factors, and human resource factors. The efforts made by the Dumai City Government through
the Civil Service Police Unit to control homeless people and beggars are efforts that have been made by the
Dumai City Government.
Keyword: Homeless, Beggar, Dumai.
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