The president is the head of government (chief of executive), but also the head of state (chief of state).
The term of office of the president in various countries is different. The term of office of the president in
Indonesia in one period of five years can be elected twice based on Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution, while
in the Philippines the term of office of the president can only be elected once in a year. one period for six years
based on the Philippine Constitution Chapter 7 Article 4. Therefore, this research aims to find out and compare
the two countries in terms of similarities/differences, advantages/disadvantages, and the urgency of
comparison to strengthen regulations limiting the period of presidential office in Indonesia and the
This type of research can be classified as a normative research type. The research focuses on examining
the comparison of term limits for the presidents of Indonesia and the Philippines. The data sources used are
secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, namely the 1945 Constitution and the Philippine
Constitution, secondary legal materials, namely documents and journals, and tertiary legal materials, namely
legal dictionaries. The data collection technique in this research is the literature review method, using
Descriptive analysis describes, describes and compares the Indonesian and Philippine constitutions regarding
presidential term limits.
Limiting the presidential term of office for Indonesia and the Philippines has similarities/differences,
advantages/disadvantages, and the urgency of strengthening the implementation of presidential term
regulations. The similarities/differences are that the countries have the same principle of Trias Politica
(Division of power) while the differences in this case provide for re-nomination. The advantages guarantee
the creation of democratic politics, economic growth, lack of potential for corruption while the shortcomings
also hinder the regeneration of new leaders from the executive branch. The urgency is to limit the presidential
period to prevent continued political instability. That in this case the researcher provides suggestions, it is
hoped that policy makers will make legal politics related to the rules for limiting the term of office of the
president by changing the provisions governing the term of office of the president as well as community
involvement, political style, and modernity by giving the term of office of the president to one term with
provisions as long as one period of six years.
Keywords : Constitution - Period - Limitations
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