Nivia Taramadina, Hayatul Ismi, Ferawati Ferawati


Law has always existed in every society. In the Kenegrian Empat Koto
Gunung area, Gunung Toar District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, people still use
their customary law in resolving disputes. Concretely, dispute resolution with
customary law is carried out with the principle of peace. The settlement of the
case is carried out by consensus and settlement in stages from the low (mamak
kaum) to the high (customary chief). The objectives of writing this thesis are:
First, to find out the process of resolving criminal cases based on applicable
customary law, second to find out the application of customary law in resolving
disputes in Gunung Toar District.
This type of research uses sociological research methods directly at the
location or place to be studied. This research was conducted in Kenegrian Empat
Koto Gunung Gunung Toar District. While the population and sample are all
parties related to the problems examined in this study, the data sources used are
primary data, secondary data and tertiary data, data collection techniques in this
study are interviews and document studies.
The results of the research The community in Gunung Toar Subdistrict
always prioritizes deliberation in every activity, especially in matters relating to
the settlement of disputes or disputes, so that every problem that occurs in the
community always involves the role of traditional leaders in its resolution, this is
a reflection of the customs that they have always applied, where every dispute
always uses peace efforts with mediation by the perpetrator who has violated
customary provisions. The application of customary law in resolving disputes
means that the case will be resolved in a family manner. For the people of
Gunung Toar, customary law is an umbrella for justice seekers and protects
everyone from injustice. Any problems concerning life between fellow
communities are resolved by customary law.

Keywords: Customary Law-Disputes-Customary Rules

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