Sari Dewi Melati Ciciclia, Pailis Armas Eka, Isbah Ufira


This research was conducted at the Hapanasan Hot Spring tourism
industry, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency. This study aims to determine the
factors that affect travel costs, entrance fees, income and mileage on the amount
of tourism demand at the Hapanasan Hot Spring Tourism Object. In this study,
the population is all visitors to the Hapanasan Hot Spring Tourism Object. While
the sampling was carried out by snowball sampling and accidental sampling. The
population of this research is 100 respondents. Types and sources of research
data are primary and secondary data. The test method is through a questionnaire,
namely by providing a list of questions. The data analysis used was descriptive
quantitative analysis. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression.
The results of the data analysis show that the coefficient of determination is 0.723,
which means that the percentage of influence of travel costs, entrance fees,
income, and distance on the amount of tourism demand in Hapanasan Hot Spring
tourism, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency is 72.3%, while the remaining
27.7% is influenced by variables. others who were not included in the study. From
the results of the statistical test simultaneously Fcount of 65.596> Ftable 2.47
means that together travel costs, entrance fees, income and distance are factors
that affect the amount of tourism demand in Hapanasan Hot Springs, Rambah
District, Rokan Hulu Regency. From the results of the partial statistical test, itThis research was conducted at the Hapanasan Hot Spring tourism industry, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency. This study aims to determine the factors that affect travel costs, entrance fees, income and mileage on the amount of tourism demand at the Hapanasan Hot Spring Tourism Object. In this study, the population is all visitors to the Hapanasan Hot Spring Tourism Object. While the sampling was carried out by snowball sampling and accidental sampling. The population of this research is 100 respondents. Types and sources of research data are primary and secondary data. The test method is through a questionnaire, namely by providing a list of questions. The data analysis used was descriptive quantitative analysis. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of the data analysis show that the coefficient of determination is 0.723, which means that the percentage of influence of travel costs, entrance fees, income, and distance on the amount of tourism demand in Hapanasan Hot Spring tourism, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency is 72.3%, while the remaining 27.7% is influenced by variables. others who were not included in the study. From the results of the statistical test simultaneously Fcount of 65.596> Ftable 2.47 means that together travel costs, entrance fees, income and distance are factors that affect the amount of tourism demand in Hapanasan Hot Springs, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency. From the results of the partial statistical test, it shows that the variables of travel costs and mileage do not have a significant effect, while the price of admission and income has a significant effect on the amount of tourism demand for Hapanasan Hot Water, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency. Keywords: Travel Costs, Entrance Ticket Fees, Revenue, range and Amount of Tourism Demand in Hapanasan Hot Spring
shows that the variables of travel costs and mileage do not have a significant
effect, while the price of admission and income has a significant effect on the
amount of tourism demand for Hapanasan Hot Water, Rambah District, Rokan
Hulu Regency.

Keywords: Travel Costs, Entrance Ticket Fees, Revenue, range and Amount of
Tourism Demand in Hapanasan Hot Spring


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