Analisis Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Produksi Terhadap Produkditivitas Usahatani Padi Sawah Pasang Surut di Desa Sungai Beringin Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
As a strategic commodity, rice is a key sector to support regional
development through agricultural sector. As a primary need, rice holds an
important role at regional rice requirement fulfillment. The need of rice
consumption is rising because of the population increase. In order to maintain its
availability, the preservation of paddy cultivation is important to be done by
considering agro-ecosystem, social, and culture condition, and people preference.
At the same time rice productivity is getting difficult to increase. The area of rice
field in Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2010 is about 36.444 Ha, and in Tembilahan
Subdistrict where the research was done is about 2.200 Ha. The aims of this
research are to analyse the influence of rice production factors on productivity and
to determine the use of production factors to achieve the optimum production.
This research uses Cobb Douglas's producton function to analyze the influence of
these production factors on rice production. Respondents of 39 farmers are taken
by simple random method. The research result shows that fertilizers, seeds,
pesticide, and micro water ordinance variables have significant impact on
productivity at 85,3% level.
Keywords: Rice Farming, Cobb Douglas production function, productivity.
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